Yucca gloriosa, commonly called Spanish bayonet or Yucca, is a wonderful plant for that sub-tropical effect. A striking evergreen shrub (though it looks more like a perennial than a shrub) that is native to beaches, sand dunes and fields from South Carolina south to Florida, Mississippi and Mexico. Yucca gloriosa Variegata is a green centered variegated form with creamy yellow margins. The upright flower spikes are held well above the foliage and can rise up to 2.4 meters - a spectacular sight in the late summer or even through to winter. As can be seen in the image the flowers are white but with pink-purple buds. This plant can be used in a mixed planting but to my mind is best as a stand alone specimen in the garden or a container. If planting in a pot or other container. Use a good quality, very well drained John Innes compost as this plant will be there a long time and peaty types of compost eventually degrade and become too packed and choke the roots. Add a minimum of 20% horticultural grit to aid drainage. Ensure you feed regularly as a hungry plant is a poor performer. We recommend Osmoscote pro 12-14 month applied in the early spring. One application gives all the nutrients the plant requires for the whole year. John Innes is a soils based compost. Avoid wet locations however provided the location is well drained these plants have no problem with frosts as low as -20C! Beware of the spines on the end of each leaf. The tips of the spines can be removed with sharp secateurs.
Phot is show maturity results