Leek 'Winter Giant 3'
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A superb variety that Shows good hardiness during the winter. The plant produces thick medium length shafts with dark green erect foliage. It can also be used a a dot plant in borders!!!
Sow from early to mid spring.
Cover the seeds to a depth of 1cm (1/2") and gently water in.
As the seedlings grow and look strong thin to 5cm apart (Sowing thinly may help to avoid this step)
. Once the seedlings reached 20cm in height and are the thickness of a pencil they can be lifted and
prepared for transplanting. Prepare the main bed, using a dibber make deep planting holes of around 15cm
deep and 15cm apart with 30cm between rows. Lifting with a hand fork will minimise damage to the shanks. Once lifted trim the roots to 2.5cm and the leaves to 15-20cm.
Place one plant into each hole so that the growing point is at or just below the soil
surface. It is not necessary to infill the holes but instead water well to settle the roots
over time as the leeks grow the hole will fill itself.