Irish Moss is a fine-textured, ground-hugging, somewhat mounding perennial with moss-like characteristics. Irish moss is an excellent alternative for filling gaps between flagstones. Alternatively, use in pots or as a small-scale ground cover.
From Irish Moss seed, grow this magnificent, evergreen ground cover plant. Mossy foliage grows just 1 - 2 inches tall, providing beautiful colour between flagstones or cascading over rocks. From late spring until mid-summer, this blooming ground cover plant is covered with small, star-shaped white blooms. The moss-like, emerald-green leaves of Irish Moss seeds develops a compact 1 - 2 inch tall carpet.
Growing instructions:
Sow seeds from February through to May In trays of damp compost, scatter the seeds on top of the soil and lightly cover; take care not to overwater. Keep in a warm location at an approximate temperature of 13-16c (55-60f). The seedlings can be transplanted into larger pots or trays once they are sturdy enough to withstand it. Keep the plants in a warm, bright area without over crowding them. In May, you can directly transplant the plants into the intended place once all possibility of frost has passed. Irish Moss flowers from April to August.