1) Soak the seeds in tap water for 2 days, changing the water after day 1
2) Prepare a compost mixture - sieved compost, perlite, vermiculite or a mixture of these. Ensure mix is moist but not wet
3) Microwave in a bowl on full power for 3 minutes to sterilise compost mix
4) Allow to cool
5) Spread compost in a clean seed tray
6) So seeds individually - pressing them gently into the compost so they are half covered
7) Place tray in a heated propagator, or cover with a plastic bag and place in a warm place eg airing cupboard
8) Check seeds regularly, ensuring compost does not dry out. Germination can take 4-8 weeks
9) When shoots visible move into a warm, light place but out of direct sunlight.
10) Pot on as required