Hydrangea 'Sundae Fraise' is an award-winning introduction from the renowned French breeder Jean Renault. Bred to be smaller and more compact, the flowers are borne on medium-sized cones that open creamy white in late July, becoming increasingly saturated with pink as the flowers age.. - by the end of summer, the whole plant is a vision of frothy strawberry stars which can continue into October.. As a bonus, the flowers can be cut at any time and dried (upside down) for use in winter decorations or left on the plants outside for winter interest. Awarded a silver medal at the international fair Plantarium in Boskoop, the Netherlands, where new varieties are introduced to nurseries and gardening public, this is a hydrangea that is really easy to grow and suitable for any garden - plus it's hardy down to -29C so a real winner; in UK gardens. Happy in almost any soil type as long as it is kept well watered, 'Sundae Fraise' is best grown in full sun although it will also tolerate light shade and regular feeding will enhance the flower size. Supplied as an established plant in a 9cm pot ready to pot into a larger pot or plant straight out into your garden.